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What is an Pioneer Pen?
Updated over a week ago

Pioneer Pens are ERC-721-based NFTs and have unlimited issuance. Each Pioneer Pen is unique and transferable, which can be traded on the Socrates marketplace. A 10% royalty fee is charged for transactions (no royalty fee for transfers between users), among which 5% belongs to the platform, and the remaining 5% are rewards to Socrates users, with 84% injected into the prize pool of trending questions and 16% given as Trending Bonus to the question creators. A wallet address can hold multiple Pioneer Pens of different levels, but the benefits are not added together.

That is, the highest-level Pioneer Pen held by the user prevails. In the future, each Pioneer Pen will have its unique attributes and data, and users can use SOC to upgrade specific attributes.

*Pioneer Pens have three levels: Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced. Users who already hold our previous SBT Pens will be airdropped Pioneer Pens with the same level and quantity.

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